Coding Challenges Essential Programs to Practice for PHP Internship

As you prepare for a PHP internship, it’s essential to practice some basic programming tasks that are commonly tested during interviews. Here are a few fundamental PHP programs that can help you improve your coding skills and get ready for your next PHP internship opportunity.

1. Print a Star Pattern Using a Loop

Program Explanation:
The task is to print a decreasing star pattern using loops. Here’s how you can solve it:


for ($i = 5; $i >= 1; $i–) {

    for ($j = 1; $j <= $i; $j++) {

        echo “*”;


    echo “\n”;









This program uses a nested loop to print stars. The outer loop controls the number of rows, and the inner loop prints the stars in each row.

Interview Question:
“How would you modify this program to print an increasing star pattern instead?”

2. Swap Two Variables Without Using a Third Variable

Program Explanation:
This program swaps the values of two variables without using a third temporary variable.


$a = 5;

$b = 10;

echo “Before swapping: a = $a, b = $b\n”;

$a = $a + $b;  // a becomes 15

$b = $a – $b;  // b becomes 5

$a = $a – $b;  // a becomes 10

echo “After swapping: a = $a, b = $b\n”;


Before swapping: a = 5, b = 10

After swapping: a = 10, b = 5

Here, we swap the values of $a and $b without using a third variable by leveraging arithmetic operations.

Interview Question:
“Can you explain what would happen if you used a different arithmetic operation to swap the values of two variables?”

3. Get the Second Last Element in an Array

Program Explanation:
Given an array, this program retrieves the second last number.


$array = [1, 3, 5, 2, 4];

echo “Second last element is: ” . $array[count($array) – 2];



Second last element is: 2

This program uses the count() function to determine the length of the array and then accesses the second last element using array indexing.

Interview Question:
“How would you handle cases where the array has fewer than two elements?”

Final Thoughts

These basic PHP programs are important to practice and understand, especially for internship interviews. They’re designed to test your understanding of loops, arrays, and variable manipulation—skills that are crucial for any PHP developer.

By practicing these examples and understanding the underlying concepts, you’ll be better prepared for technical interviews and can stand out as a well-rounded candidate for a PHP internship.

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